only the best for our customers

A super resistant box to protect your boxed wines as much as possible

We have studied and designed our packaging down to the smallest detail to ensure maximum protection for our shipments and guarantee the customer the product intact, ready to be tapped.

bomb-proof packaging

Double wave box

bomb-proof packaging

Double wave box

We use attractive and reliable packaging. Let's go and see all the steps of our packaging, to always guarantee you perfect shipments.

The box used is double wave with high resistance. KRAFT cover both internally and externally, to protect the items inside from bumps and crushing.

your products are safe

Bubbles and filler card

your products are safe

Bubbles and filler card

Inside the box we are going to insert in the empty spaces, filling air cushions that protect the products inside from shocks and at the same time prevent them from being tossed around during shipping. In addition, we fill the remaining empty spaces with recycled and recyclable paper to ensure maximum locking of the products inside.

a perfect package, from every point of view

Guarantee closure and seal

a perfect package, from every point of view

Guarantee closure and seal

Once all the products have been placed inside the box with the packaging material in support, we package and seal everything with our 7 cm wide tape to ensure adherence and maximum closure of the box flaps. Finally, we place a security seal on the tape so that if the box is opened, the seal will break. Your products will be ready to arrive at your home intact and ready to drink!

our advice on how

How to keep your Wines in Box

In a cool place

Do you have a cellar? A garage or a basement? Excellent, keep your wines in boxes here, they are placed with a little humidity and the wine likes it a lot to keep in shape.

Away from the sun

Do you keep your freshly opened boxed wine on a shelf in the kitchen where the sun is shining? It would be better to remove it from here and move it to a spot where there is always shade.

In a well-ventilated place

Try to keep your wine in an open box, on a sideboard, on a piece of furniture or in any other place, but avoid keeping it in a wall unit closed by a door.