The entire production of our wines, from pressing to bottling, is qualitatively certified by the global BRC and IFS standards, essential for guaranteeing trust and transparency to Consumers, as they allow us to continuously improve performance in terms of safety management of the finished product . CRIFO's constant commitment to projecting traditional values ​​to the present day by integrating them with technological innovation applied in the wine sector, translates into joining the PU.VIoT initiative, financed by the Rural Development Program of the Puglia Region, aimed at improvement of productivity and quality of vineyards. In this area of ​​Puglia, the testimonies of a farming world that has not lost its values ​​of authenticity, love for work and respect for nature are still alive. The challenge of the Ruvo di Puglia winery was to pass on this legacy by projecting these values ​​of ancient tradition into the present day, integrating them with progress and innovation in winemaking techniques and logistical organization. A challenge that today, thanks to the commercial successes, the awards and recognitions obtained so much at the level
Italian as well as international, we can say we have won.

Let's find out together

The family and history

Let's find out together

The family and history

The Cantina di Ruvo di Puglia was born as a cooperative of winemakers in 1960, evolving over the years from a simple producer of musts to an award-winning wine cellar. The grapes conferred by the members mainly belong to the 5 native varieties of the calcareous territory that surrounds Castel del Monte, between the provinces of Bari and Barletta-Andria-Trani. Today the Cantina di Ruvo di Puglia is one of the most important wineries in southern Italy with over 400 members, deliveries of more than 8,000 tons of grapes per harvest and absolute leadership in the production and sale of bottled Nero di Troia. The brand "Crifo", an acronym of the original denomination "Cantina della Riforma Fondiaria" and the Griffin, a mythological animal that the ancient builders carved on the facade of the cathedral of Ruvo di Puglia, sign the best bottled wines.