The wine Bianco di Custoza stands out for its freshness and light aroma, but also for its versatility in combinations. It owes its name to the village of the same name, near Verona, built in Roman times. Production is allowed in the province of Verona, south of Lake Garda and more precisely in the territories of the municipalities of Sommacampagna Villafranca di Verona, Valeggio sul Mincio, Peschiera del Garda, Lazise, Castelnuovo del Garda Pastrengo, Bussolengo and Sona.
The Bianco di Custoza wine is produced with a blend of grapes, such as Trebbianello (local clone of Tocai from Friuli ), Garganega and Cortese .
White wine from Custoza, characteristics
The white wine of Custoza is very fresh and easy to drink. It has a straw yellow color, sometimes with greenish reflections. On the palate it is balanced, medium-bodied, fruity and characterized by final notes of almond.
White wine of Custoza, pairings
Bianco di Custoza is perfect to accompany seafood appetizers, but also based on cold cuts, cured meats or vegetables, such as eggs with asparagus, ham and melon, ham and figs. It also goes well with first courses based on rice with fish or vegetables and main courses based on shellfish, fish in general but also white meats. It should be tasted at a service temperature of 10-12°C.