I vini per celebrare il 25 aprile, la festa della Liberazione

The wines to celebrate April 25, the Liberation Day

What do you eat on April 25th? As tradition dictates, this anniversary is celebrated outdoors with a lunch of grilled meat and vegetables, platters of cheeses and cured meats, but also lasagna and more generally, baked pasta... all accompanied by good wine !


With the classic cheese and salami platter , accompanied by olives and grilled vegetables, you are on the safe side. Naturally, homemade bread cannot be missing, perhaps to prepare excellent bruschetta!

Recommended wines : Montepulciano d'Abruzzo , Ribolla Gialla , Pinot Noir , Primitivo .

First dishes

as for the first courses, you can prepare one classic baked lasagna or plain with seasonal vegetables such as asparagus.

Recommended wines : For the classic lasagna, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso , Barbera , Nero d'Avola , Montepulciano d'Abruzzo are recommended. For white lasagna, Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay are preferred.

The second courses

The seasonal grilled meat and vegetables are ideal for enjoying this beautiful day!
Recommended wines : Barbera , Montepulciano d'Abruzzo , Nero d'Avola.

The sweet

Each region has its own specialty, but since Easter has just passed we can still enjoy the taste of some Easter sweets , such as the dove or ricotta pizza.
Recommended wines : Moscato d'Asti, Passito , Brachetto.

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